Expel used for the relief of cough secondary to acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by excessive lung secretions such as chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, and bronchial asthma.
  • Ambroxol Hci
  • Cough & Cold Preparation
  • Mucolytic
  • 15mg / 5ml
  • 60ml
  • 1pc
INDICATIONS: Respiratory tract disorder with abnormal bronchial secretion, Asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersesitivity. Lactation.
PRECAUTIONS: Severe renal and hepatic impairment.
SIDE EFFECTS: Mild GI effect, allergic reaction
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Cardiac glycosides, corticosteroids, bronchospasmolytic, diuretics, antibiotics

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