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Typhoons not only bring in rain and wind, but a host of diseases that can be harmful to one’s health. 
Below are some dos and don’ts for the typhoon season:

Disease Prevention Measures

• Boil your drinking water (Upon reaching boiling point, extend boiling for two or more minutes) or
• Do water chlorination
• Wash hands before preparing food and after using the toilet.
• Avoid wading in floodwater. If you must, wear rubber boots.
• Clean-up all possible mosquito breeding sites, such as vases, empty coconut shells, old tires and tin cans.

Health Effects 

• Disease related to contaminated water due to flooding,such as acute gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, cholera and hepatitis A.
• Disease related to wading in floodwaters contaminated with urine of infected animals, such as leptospirosis.
• Disease brought by mosquitoes, such as dengue and malaria.
• Accidents and injuries such as contusions, lacerations, fractures, electrocution.

What to Do In Case of Flood

• Stay inside a house or building during heavy rains.
• Avoid wading and taking baths in floodwaters.
• When a flood advisory is issued, residents in low lying areas should seek for higher grounds.
• Avoid crossing low-lying areas and bridges during evacuation.

Source: Department of Health, Republic of the Philippines

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Do you have days when you are feeling extra sluggish and slow in concentration? Some studies found that there are actually certain foods that are shown to help improve brain function, encourage focus and clarity, and protect against age-related cognitive decline. Studies further show that what we eat actually have a correlation with our cognitive functions. 
Here are some foods that help improve your brain functions:

1. Dark chocolate
According to studies, the caffeine content of dark chocolates is regarded to play a role in maintaining sharpness of brain functions. Chocolate is also rich in flavonoids, a kind of antioxidant that helps to improve blood flow and thus brain health by regulating cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.

2. Berries
A recent study that sampled a large group of middle-aged women published in the Annals of Neurology discovered that a diet that consists of blueberries, strawberries and others were connected to a slower decline in memory and focus. 

3. Spinach
A study at Harvard Medical School found that women who reported eating the most leafy green vegetables had a lower rate of cognitive decline compared to those who ate the least. Spinach is rich in the antioxidant lutein, which is also thought to help protect against cognitive decline, according to researchers from Tufts University.

4. Walnuts
Walnuts are full of heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory nutrients. They are the only good nut source of alpha linolenic acid (ALA). That means they help promote blood flow, which in turn allows for efficient delivery of oxygen to the brain.

5. Sardines
Fatty fish like sardines and salmon have omega-3 fatty acids that are well-know brain boosters. These have been connected to an improved focus and memory and a lower risk of dementia.

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Southstar Drug

Do you have days when you are feeling extra sluggish and slow in concentration? Some studies found that there are actually certain foods that are shown to help improve brain function, encourage focus and clarity, and protect against age-related cognitive decline. Studies further show that what we eat actually have a correlation with our cognitive functions. 
Here are some foods that help improve your brain functions:

1. Dark chocolate
According to studies, the caffeine content of dark chocolates is regarded to play a role in maintaining sharpness of brain functions. Chocolate is also rich in flavonoids, a kind of antioxidant that helps to improve blood flow and thus brain health by regulating cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.

2. Berries
A recent study that sampled a large group of middle-aged women published in the Annals of Neurology discovered that a diet that consists of blueberries, strawberries and others were connected to a slower decline in memory and focus. 

3. Spinach
A study at Harvard Medical School found that women who reported eating the most leafy green vegetables had a lower rate of cognitive decline compared to those who ate the least. Spinach is rich in the antioxidant lutein, which is also thought to help protect against cognitive decline, according to researchers from Tufts University.

4. Walnuts
Walnuts are full of heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory nutrients. They are the only good nut source of alpha linolenic acid (ALA). That means they help promote blood flow, which in turn allows for efficient delivery of oxygen to the brain.

5. Sardines
Fatty fish like sardines and salmon have omega-3 fatty acids that are well-know brain boosters. These have been connected to an improved focus and memory and a lower risk of dementia.

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No, we are not talking about the vast galaxy where you and I both belong to.
Neither it's about your favorite chocolate bar  that your auntie from abroad sent you.

But yes, it's about the "milk" that was your mom's best friend when you were little and couldn't digest anything but basically, just milk. The milk which plays an amazing role to what you are today!

There are countless underlying theories, hypotheses, and myths about milk. Have you ever wondered what milk really does for you?

Starting from being a baby till now, the fact that milk is a major provider of Vitamin D has never changed. Vitamin D plays an important part in calcium homeostasis and metabolism.

Vitamin D is not present from the food we eat such as oily fish, meat and eggs, and food with added vitamin D like breakfast cereals. Sunlight boosts the body to make vitamin D. But because of the skin-cancer risk, there isn't an official recommendation to catch some rays. So milk is to-the-rescue! In general, an 8-ounce glass of milk contains at least 100 IUs of vitamin D which is actually a good amount for your daily Vitamin D needs.

Who says that milk is just for the babies and the aged? Calcium found in milk is needed by young adults too! Unfortunately, one research from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reveals that fewer than 2% of young adults meet the daily 4700 mg recommendation making them prone to osteoporosis as early as 25 years old. Since osteoporosis has no symptoms, its main consequence is the increased risk of bone fractures. Osteoporotic fractures occur in conditions where healthy people would not normally break a bone, but have high fracture incidents. In fact, one alarming incident report says that people around the world experience it every 3 seconds.

There are also cases for lactose intolerance. As you grow old, your body becomes incapable of metabolizing the sugar found in milk, called lactose. As a result, you experience abdominal cramps and diarrhea. That's okay, it's completely normal! Lactose intolerant find their calcium and vitamin D in substitute goods like soy-based and rice drinks instead.

You might think that these stuff are real basic and you have the idea even without me saying. Quite right. Now, let me ask you this: When was the last time you actually get yourself a milk or two? Two days, two weeks, two months or bloody two years ago? Now that's what I'm talking about.

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If you are a fan of Elvis Presley, you might know these lyrics from one of his songs:
"Everybody's got the fever, that is something you all know. Fever isn't such a new thing, fever started long ago." Well, the lyrics got it right! Fever has been ever present as early as the days of the great philosopher, Hippocrates, where he was practicing medicine including that due to malaria. (Fun fact!)

A lot of people consider fever as a disease and equate every possible health issue to it; leading them to the phenomenon called fever phobia. You probably hear some say this, "Hey, you have cough and colds, lagnat na yan!" or "Gosh, my head hurts! Lagnat na to!" or "I can't stay off from the bed, I feel like I have fever!". Sounds familiar, doesn't it? While fever is a symptom of a health condition rather than a disease itself, it ranges from the not serious to potentially serious. It may include: viral, bacterial and parasitic infections such as the common cold, urinary tract infections, meningitis, malaria and appendicitis among others.

As old as the word fever, this saying surely is too; "It is better to prevent than to cure."

So here are four old but gold proven ways to say never to fever:

1. Wash your hands. Wherever you at, this simple reminder is a sure sight. Simply washing your hands before eating, after using the toilet, after spending time in a crowded place or around someone who's sick, and during commuting could seriously save millions!

2. Avoid sharing your personal belongings. We know that sharing is caring. However, sharing your personal stuff such as your utensils, water bottle, towel and etc. can be totally unhygienic. Thus, it could make a way for  viruses and bacteria to enter your body and cause infection.

3. Drink lots of clean water. Our body can quickly lose moisture and get dehydrated through constant  sweating. No one wants to feel thirsty when we know that water is the very next thing close to us, second  to smartphones, right? So, aim to drink lots of clean water (at least eight ounces) every two hours to boost immunity.

4. Exercise regularly. Due to very busy schedule (or are we just plain lazy?), many of us see exercise as a want rather than a need. But one very good thing in exercising is it doesn't require you to hit the gym just to sweat off those toxic wastes in your body. A simple 20 to 30 minutes exercise done regularly at home can be a very effective way to keep immune system strong thus free you from that thing called fever.

Living in a fast-paced world whereby we unintentionally overlook these simple and basic ways that will help us to be fever-free, we still fall short to the other side and get sick. 

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We Filipinos love rice. Some restaurants offer unlimited servings of rice. A lot of people boast about being able to settle for a tablespoon of ulam, just as long as they have rice. But what does this mean for us?

Why So Much Rice?

Rice is a staple dish for Filipinos. It’s ingrained in our culture. It’s easier to grow in our climate, and it’s cheaper than most crops. It’s also high in starch, so one could eat a cup of rice and already be satisfied. This is why a lot of kids choose rice over vegetables. Don’t get it wrong—vegetables are also filling, but incomparable to rice.

Why Is Balance Important?

Giving more tummy space for extra rice means that you’re giving up space reserved for grow and glow foods. Less fruits and vegetables means less fiber intake, which affects your bowel movement. Less meat means less protein for muscle development.

So How Much Should I Eat?

Starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice, pasta should make up just a third of the food you eat. Just remember to balance the variety of your food to make sure you get everything that your body needs.


Photo from: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/04/14/15/noodles-516635_960_720.jpg

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Everybody deserves a cup of tea.

Based on research, tea is said to be one of the most beneficial drinks that could improve our health. It have also found that drinking tea can help to reduce cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. It can also be a help for detoxifying your body.

Health Benefits
Is it coffee or tea? Probably some will consider themselves as coffee lovers, some may say they’re perfectly fine with tea. But before anything else, try to consider the health benefits that tea possesses.  
Drinking tea has been recognized for its capacity to soothe, restore, refresh and relax our body. The real tea came from the Camellia sinensis plant and has only four varieties which includes green tea, black tea, white tea and oolong tea. Know the health benefits of tea:

  1. It has antioxidants. ​Tea contains antioxidants which protects us from the damage from pollution. It also helps to keep us young and help in reducing cancer including breast, colon, colorectal, skin and others.
  2. It has less caffeine than coffee. ​According to studies, caffeine content varies according to the type of tea you are using. Even though tea contains caffeine, it has less content which ranges from 20 to 90 milligrams per 8 ounces compared to 50 to 120 milligrams in coffee.
  3. It helps in losing weight. ​Drinking tea helps in reducing weight. According to scientists, the ​catechins or antioxidants
    ​ in the green tea extract helps our body’s ability to burn down fats.
  4. It reduces the risks of heart attack. ​When you drink tea, it associates with lowering the cholesterol in your body. Studies says that intake of tea decreases the incidence of heart attack.

Types and Its Benefits
There are different types of teas which varies according to its health benefits and how it can be achieved.

  • Black Tea. ​Is a common type of tea that has a high concentration of antioxidant compounds which has linked to have lower levels of cholesterol. Also, research shown that the people who drinks three or more cups of black tea daily may cut their risk of stroke by 21 percent.
  • Green Tea.​It is the type of tea which is full of antioxidants called catechins that may help in reducing cancer and heart disease. Based on study, consumption of each cup of green tea daily may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10 percent.
  • White Tea. ​A type of tea which according to Joe Simrany, president of the Tea Association of the USA, in New York City, offers the same potential cardiovascular and cancer-fighting benefits as other teas. It may also benefit the people with diabetes.
  • Oolong Tea. ​Losing weight is the core benefit of this tea type. It is said that the people who drink Oolong tea may burn calories over two-hour period.

Take note of all these because it’s tea time. Cheers to a healthy living!

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TEA TIME: Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Tea

Southstar Drug

Everybody deserves a cup of tea.

Based on research, tea is said to be one of the most beneficial drinks that could improve our health. It have also found that drinking tea can help to reduce cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. It can also be a help for detoxifying your body.

Health Benefits
Is it coffee or tea? Probably some will consider themselves as coffee lovers, some may say they’re perfectly fine with tea. But before anything else, try to consider the health benefits that tea possesses.  
Drinking tea has been recognized for its capacity to soothe, restore, refresh and relax our body. The real tea came from the Camellia sinensis plant and has only four varieties which includes green tea, black tea, white tea and oolong tea. Know the health benefits of tea:

  1. It has antioxidants. ​Tea contains antioxidants which protects us from the damage from pollution. It also helps to keep us young and help in reducing cancer including breast, colon, colorectal, skin and others.
  2. It has less caffeine than coffee. ​According to studies, caffeine content varies according to the type of tea you are using. Even though tea contains caffeine, it has less content which ranges from 20 to 90 milligrams per 8 ounces compared to 50 to 120 milligrams in coffee.
  3. It helps in losing weight. ​Drinking tea helps in reducing weight. According to scientists, the ​catechins or antioxidants
    ​ in the green tea extract helps our body’s ability to burn down fats.
  4. It reduces the risks of heart attack. ​When you drink tea, it associates with lowering the cholesterol in your body. Studies says that intake of tea decreases the incidence of heart attack.

Types and Its Benefits
There are different types of teas which varies according to its health benefits and how it can be achieved.

  • Black Tea. ​Is a common type of tea that has a high concentration of antioxidant compounds which has linked to have lower levels of cholesterol. Also, research shown that the people who drinks three or more cups of black tea daily may cut their risk of stroke by 21 percent.
  • Green Tea.​It is the type of tea which is full of antioxidants called catechins that may help in reducing cancer and heart disease. Based on study, consumption of each cup of green tea daily may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10 percent.
  • White Tea. ​A type of tea which according to Joe Simrany, president of the Tea Association of the USA, in New York City, offers the same potential cardiovascular and cancer-fighting benefits as other teas. It may also benefit the people with diabetes.
  • Oolong Tea. ​Losing weight is the core benefit of this tea type. It is said that the people who drink Oolong tea may burn calories over two-hour period.

Take note of all these because it’s tea time. Cheers to a healthy living!

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Southstar Drug

Most of us will probably just drink water whenever we feel thirsty. But each of us have different water needs depending on our size, level of activity, the weather, and health. If you are involved in activities that make you sweat a lot, you may need to consume more water compared to others.

Aside from the relief that water gives us whenever we feel thirsty, there are numerous other benefit that we get when we drink water.

Benefits of Water to Our Health
Weight Loss. ​Gained some extra pounds? No worries, water helps in weight loss. Drinking water before a meal, make you feel fuller. Water quicken your metabolism and makes you feel full.

Reduces Kidney Stones. ​The rate of painful kidney stones is rapidly rising and one of the main causes is not drinking enough water. People of all ages does not consume enough water daily. Salts and minerals in your urine that form kidney stones are being diluted by water. Solid Krystals or Kidney stones will not be able to form in diluted water. Also you will likely form less stones if you are hydrated.

Skin Nourishment. ​Acne, wrinkles and dullness of the skin is a result of dehydration. Water makes skin glow by flushing out the impurities and improving circulation and blood flow. Also being hydrated keep skin cells healthy.

Lessen Fatigue. ​Fatigue is an early sign of dehydration. Drop in volume of blood because of loss of dehydration makes the heart work harder to push oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream to the brain, skin, and muscle. If you are less fatigued, it makes concentration better. Also we have more energy and we are more alert when we are not fatigued.

Reduce Stress. ​Stress and dehydration are related to each other. When you are stress, it can lead  you to dehydration and vice versa. According to studies, higher cortisol levels-- the stress hormone is due to dehydration. If you are stressed, it makes dealing with everyday routine an issue. Be better prepared to deal with everyday happenings by staying hydrated.

Build Muscle Tone. ​Since muscles are made primarily of water, properly contracting and reducing muscle tone is being prevented if you are hydrated. Muscle cramps can be avoided if you stay hydrated.You can improve your muscle strength and quicken muscle response if you stay hydrated.

Reduce Fluid Retention. ​Water retention in the body also known as bloating can be reduced with the help of water. Our liver converts fat into usable energy with the help of water. Kidneys get overwhelmed with concentrated fluid when you don't drink enough water -- which results into making your liver do an extra work. Your body retains existing water to reuse instead of excreting water and waste products which results to retention and bloating. In order to return your body and process back to the stage of equilibrium, you should drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

Indeed water is wonderful. It does not only help you quench your thirst but it also helps you to live a fit and healthy life.

So, how many glasses of water do you consume today?

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