Southstar Drug

The holiday season is right around the corner. Festive decorations, holiday shopping, holiday break, and holiday food are some of the most awaited things during this season. And let’s admit it, food this season is oozing and really tempting. During this season, we expect to see lots of holiday food being sold on the streets, at the mall, or even made at home. Noche buena and media noche celebrations make us spend a fortune just to prepare tons of food at the table. Truly it is that time of the year wherein most of us will willingly sneak in a little bit of cheat day every now and then. But with all these food comes along those most dreaded calories!  
So it is very important to stay fit during the holiday to avoid putting your health at risk.  
Here are some ways to burn calories. . . while having fun!

Play with Children
This holiday season we expect to have tons of visit from our relatives raging from our grandparents, titos and titas, cousin, nephew, and niece. Use this opportunity to spend time playing with your younger brother, sister, or relative! Not only do you burn calories from chasing these energetic children, but you also enjoy yourself while bonding with them.

Indoor workout
Gyms are either filled or close because of the holiday rush, so instead of lazing around the house and doing nothing, why not work out from home? A simple sit up and push up daily will surely help you burn calories. Or if you're too lazy to do those workout, you can try going up and down the stairs for several time. Stair climbing = instant indoor workout!
Run for a cause
During this season many company and organization organize different events such as run or walk for a cause. Sign up for these kinds of event not only do you lose a couple of calories, you also contribute and help others. Since you are already signed up for this event, why not drag your whole family to make it more enjoyable?
Go Shopping
Shopping might be a dreaded thing to do especially for this season because of the bustlin’ and hustlin’ city  traffic, last minute shopping, and window shopping. During this season we have tons of shopping to do, ranging from buying gifts for our loved ones, buying groceries needed to make those festive and holiday food that we all crave
and love, buying new clothes and accessories, and many more. This could be a tiring activity but despite that, going out and buying all sort of things, make us engage in some sort of exercise. By walking around and looking for those gifts, we sweat and burn down some calories.
Do Yoga
Holidays or not, yoga is a perfect way to burn the calories!. This particular exercise can be done by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Yoga helps in giving peace of mind, lower blood sugar, and many more. Surely this exercise will boost both your mental and physical state this season.

Even in the most slightest activity such as walking, running, and playing around, we can burn those calories. We just need to stay motivated and keep on moving forward and onward. Burning calories don’t have to be very tiring and expensive after all. Have a happy and healthy holidays!

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Southstar Drug

Poignant and empathic in its portrayal of customers, Southstar Drug's "We Care A Little More" Campaign was selected as one of the finalists for best Branded Digital Ads during the 40th Catholic Mass Media Awards (CMMA). Held last November 14, 2018 at the Star Theater in Pasay City, the CMMA is held annually to give recognition to media products that enhance total human development and share positive messages to the Filipino public. 

The campaign was executed by multi-awarded and internationally acclaimed director Brillante Mendoza and advertising company Estima. The concept captures the reality that visits to drugstores are not often a welcome experience for customers; those visits are associated with illness or poor health, usually of a loved one. Southstar Drug understands this so it strives to create a kind, sensitive, and accommodating environment for customers.

 Click the link to see the full video: https://web.facebook.com/southstardrugph/videos/10157024537179848/?hc_location=ufi  

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Southstar Drug

On its 10th year, Southstar Drug held its annual health run last September 15, 2019 in Naga City. Close to 3,000 runners participated and the event held in time with the city's Penafrancia Festival, one of the country's most celebrated tourist attractions. Entitled Run For Wellness 10: CobblesFest, the theme was coined from the colored powders and bubbles that the runners were immersed in for a novel experience beyond the usual run. As part of its initiatives for inclusivity, Southstar Drug also donated P50,000 to this year's chosen beneficiary, the Naga Persons with Disability Affairs Office.


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SOUTHSTAR DRUG'S DROP THE PREFIX: Showcasing the art and abilities of Persons with Disability

Southstar Drug

We’ve seen viral videos about Persons with Disability working in places you didn’t expect them to. We’ve seen memes about how we’re supposed to treat them like they’re no different from us. But while it’s of course important that we share them on social media, and even talk about them with our loved ones, what is more crucial is that understanding and empathy is paired with action, helping provide opportunities for Persons with Disability to lead productive lives.

Southstar Drug (SSD) and Project Inclusion Network (PIN) have been working together in creating opportunities for Persons with Disability, and for the next few months, they’re adding another aspect to this partnership: harnessing the power of art. 

For the past three years, SSD has been working with PIN in placing Persons with Disability in several of their branches. Most of them are now regular employees. To date, they have already employed 23 Persons with Disability within the company. According to Christine Tueres, the General Manager of South Star Drug, Inc, this is very much aligned with their company’s advocacy and over-all philosophy. “We care a little more” is a tagline that they have used and it further strengthens their decision to extend assistance to people who need a little more special care and attention, not to mention inclusion.

While society has been a little more open and inclusive to Persons with Disability, there is still that perception that Persons with Disability cannot be fully functioning members of society. It is this stigma that has driven PIN to raise awareness and engage more companies like Southstar Drug to build a more inclusive and barrier-free Philippines. Grant Javier, PIN’s Executive Director, explains that helping improve access to work opportunities for Persons with Disability is part of our responsibility as citizens - to ensure that all members of society are included, and are provided with equal opportunities.

It is with this mindset that SSD and PIN explored more opportunities to engage with the Person with Disability community and to get SSD consumers involved as well. This year, they are launching the campaign, Drop the Prefix, to not just raise awareness about Persons with Disabilities but more importantly, to raise more funds to sponsor the training and development of Persons with Disability who have shown potential in arts.

For the coming Christmas season, Southstar Drug branches will be selling bags that have been designed by selected artists with disability that are part of Project Inclusion Network’s pool. The artworks will also be produced as desk and wall calendars as giveaways this Christmas.  These uniquely designed bags are produced by Persons with Disability through Goodwill Industries of the Philippines, a civic organization whose main purpose is to provide “skill empowerment” to Persons with Disability so they will be able to reach their full potential as individuals and as contributing members of society. This is also in line with SSD’s mission, and so Goodwill is the perfect partner for this campaign.

It’s also important to know the stories of the artists with disability who designed these bags. These individuals have a common bond in their love for art and desire to create something that will be useful for people who would want to own their creations.

We have individuals like Maribeth, who is Deaf and extremely talented in painting. She started out just watching YouTube videos and copying the art she saw there. But now, after undergoing training and tutelage, she started painting her own original ideas and has even become her family’s breadwinner through her craft. For her bag design, she wanted to highlight the fight for equal rights of Filipino children with disabilities. This is her own way of helping out her community and she believes that if people like her continue to train and practice their art, they too will be able to have a fulfilling career in the arts.

You also have someone like Joaqui, a Person with Autism waho uses painting not just as part of his therapy but  also  to explore and hone his creativity. His mother Lala shares that because of his newly discovered love for art, he has become more patient and comfortable with his surroundings and at the same time, he has been creating art that tackles things like the environment and health and wellness. She emphasizes that through the support of family and community, people like her son can discover the talents that they want to share to the world. 

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Southstar Drug

Southstar Drug, Inc. held its 3rd Pharmacists National Summit with the theme CARE A Little More: South Star Drug towards Competency Advancement for Realization of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care. The two-day summit was held at the Bayanihan Center in Pasig City last August 25 and 26, 2019.

Overall, the objective of the summit was improve services and enhance the skills of the drugstore’s professional pool of pharmacists across its store network, as well as keep them up to date with the latest developments in the Pharmacy Law. Industry experts served as speakers for curated talks on advancing competencies, empowerment and leadership, product accessibility, and collaboration.

Southstar Drug’s Awardee Pharmacists with Southstar Executives Thaddeus Sanchez, AVP for Operations; David Goh, Managing Director (far left) and Christine Tueres, General Manager with celebrity host and singer, Kakai Bautista (far right).










Southstar Drug’s Awardee Pharmacists with Southstar Executives Thaddeus Sanchez, AVP for Operations; David Goh, Managing Director (far left) and Christine Tueres, General Manager with celebrity host and singer, Kakai Bautista (far right).


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Should I Pop This Pimple?

Southstar Drug

“Oh noo, pimple break out? Not Again!” 
I see it’s that time of the month where a stubborn pimple decided to make a guest appearance. Yup, pimple, zit, pustule, boil, fester- name it! This tiny (or not) red, swollen bump on your face is considered as a nightmare by anyone. Not only that it hurts the skin, it, most especially, puts a damper on someone else’s confidence. 
Pimples are a normal skin condition that affect many people. These are inflammation of the skin in which the sebaceous glands (oil glands) become infected with bacteria, swell up, and fill with pus.
Ever wonder why this season though cold and breezy, makes you more prone to pimple break out? That is because our sweat glands and oil glands are overactive during the rainy season. This increases the tendency of acne, pimples and breakouts due to humidity in atmosphere. So really, pimple break out is on a high side.
We all need reliable solutions to this problem, so take note of these expert advices from Web.MD:

Before you pop a pimple: 

1. Don't poke too early. Wait until your pimple has a firm white head. That means the pus is close to the surface and ready to be drained.
2. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water, soap, and a fingernail brush.
3. Sterilize a straight pin with a match or lighter. Let the pin cool, then wipe it down with rubbing alcohol. Swab the zit with alcohol and pour some on your fingers, too.
4. Dry your fingers and wrap them with a clean tissue.
5. Position your pin. Hold it parallel to the surface of your skin, and gently pierce the very tip of the zit's white center.
6. Using your fingers, or a cotton swab, softly squeeze the pimple. Press around (not on) the white tip of the zit. If the pus doesn't come out easily, the pimple isn't ready to be popped. Stop!
7. Apply more alcohol (it will sting) or a very small amount of bacitracin ointment to the now-deflated blemish.
8. Instead of squeezing a zit, you could hide it with makeup that won’t clog the pores. Use a concealer that matches skin tone or foundation in a dry, not creamy, formula. These generally come in pots or sticks.

Do not lock yourself indoors or hide beneath your bed sheets. Socialize and live your life the way it was. Make sure to get enough sleep and let your skin rest from all the harsh chemicals you put on your face. Include vegetables and fruits on your diet and practice overall hygiene. Let it breathe and let your whole skin breath. Think that these blemishes are only temporary. Stop bugging yourself with these few occasional visitors and focus yourself on the things that enhance self-worth 

If you aren’t really sure of what to do, you should see your doctor or dermatologist about ways to manage your breakouts.

For more skin tips, check out our article ”Drink What Makes You Beautiful” 

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Southstar Drug

Each October, you may notice that pink ribbons are emblazoned all around; this is in line with the International Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink because it is considered feminine in modern Western countries and it evokes traditional feminine gender roles in general.

What does the Pink ribbon represents? Great question. Before everyone joins the bandwagon, it is always a good idea to be educated on a certain topic so as to better understand and immerse on its essence. The pink ribbon represents fear of breast cancer, hope for the future, and the charitable goodness of people and businesses who publicly support the breast cancer movement. It is intended to evoke solidarity with women who currently have breast cancer. Aside from representing breast cancer awareness, the pink ribbon is also a symbol and a proxy of goodwill towards women experiencing breast cancer. Direct buying, wearing, displaying, or sponsoring pink ribbons express social awareness and moral support for women.

According to the pink ribbon foundation, breast cancer claims the lives of around 12,000 women every year. And the good news is that almost two-thirds of women diagnosed with breast cancer today now survive their disease beyond 20 years. More than survival of physical pain, breast cancer patients and survivors experience psychosocial concerns. As mentioned earlier, pink ribbons represents hope for the future. Hope. Hope that lightens up the unique life of each breast cancer patient and survivor; and of course the family they represent.

The breast cancer experience has several distinct phases, each characterized by a unique set of psychosocial concerns.

Some of the most common psychosocial concerns reported by women with breast cancer include:

  • Fear of recurrence,

  • Physical symptoms such as fatigue, trouble sleeping, or pain,

  • Body image disruption,

  • Sexual dysfunction,

  • Treatment-related anxieties,

  • Intrusive thoughts about illness/persistent anxiety,

  • Marital/partner communication,

  • Feelings of vulnerability, and

  • Existential concerns regarding mortality.

These psychosocial concerns hit women in different levels after having been diagnosed and treated. Not all of them cope and adapt in same manner that is why support system plays a great role in their everyday battle. There are so many ways we can empower them; support that goes beyond financial assistance and material goods. We can empower them through emotional support by showering them the affection, love, acceptance, intimacy, encouragement, and care they need. We may also touch them through informational support, by being educated on matters they undergo and face, or by giving advice, guidance, and medical information. Of course, let us not forget the companionship support we can extend to them that goes as simply as giving them the sense of belongingness.

As of now, effective strategies for enhancing coping are actively being studied by many research groups. So while we can and able, let us all spread out the pink power and raise awareness on breast cancer!


Meeting Psychosocial Needs of Women with Breast Cancer. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK215940/

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Southstar Drug

For the love of a perfectly smooth legs. . . the answer, (aside from applying your favorite moisturizer). . .shave! A lot of girls make this as a their morning or evening ritual. I have to agree, not only that it prevents hair from curling after wearing jeans, it also gives that glowing skin appearance.  
Alright. If you are so close to shifting on the other side and have your legs shaved, here are the important shaving tricks you must know  to avoid razor burn, razor bumps and irritation.
1. Understandably, you want to get your morning routine underway, but experts advise hanging out in the shower or bath for about 15 minutes before you start shaving — this will soften the hair and open up follicles. Any longer, though, and your skin will wrinkle and swell, making it harder to score a close shave.
2. Yes, you have that nice razor. But, do you change your blades? Remember, bumps and redness occur due to old blades. So change old blades before it cause infection to your skin.  
3. Aiming for a closer shave is not bad. Actually, it fulfills your goal to have that smooth legs. But if you shave upwards to go “against the grain”, then it may cause you irritation and burn. What to do? Make sure to lubricate the skin fair enough and then shave at any direction you want.
4. Shaving in the morning or evening? Your call! But just a tip: shaving at night will leave your legs smoother as when you sleep your legs will swell slightly, which can make hair retreat back into its follicles. 

5. Never ever shave "dry." Shaving without moisturizing shaving cream is your recipe for cuts and burns. Also, do not be tempted to use a bar soap to create a lather. It doesn’t help that way. ​Soap dries out your skin, while conditioner or a cream based product helps to provide moisture, which makes for a smooth shave.

6. This is fine once in awhile, like if you're staying in a hotel, but for every-day use it's best to invest in a four or five blade razor. They provide the smoothest results, letting you navigate tricky areas like your knees and ankles. "Single-blade disposables are likelier to drag against the skin”

7. Treat razor burn soon as possible as it may result to scars -- which will hinder you into achieving smooth and glowing legs. You may apply aloe vera and ice pack. Avoid anything with alcohol, too.

8. If you are one of those girls who think that your boyfriend’s razor blade is more effective than yours, then think again. Do not borrow his razor, use your own as it has the same effect. And of course, for hygienic purposes.
Find the best product for you: Like any beauty product, it’s always good to know what works for your skin before buying shaving cream. For your shaving needs, from shaving creams, razor, to lotion and moisturizer, check out South Star Drugs list of products and get your amazing shaving essentials!

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Southstar Drug

We’re not exactly there yet, but it’s good to know that more employers are opening their doors for people with disabilities.

Late last year, Southstar Drug collaborated with Unilab Foundation’s Project Inclusion in launching its PWD hiring program. Since then the local drugstore has hired 24 PWD employees, with 5 of them working in the main office.

“The problem right now in our society is we look at the disability first and nothing beyond that. But we look at their potential and expertise first, and their disability just comes second,” says Michael Sabino, HR and admin division manager of Southstar Drug in a feature article by Smart Parenting

Like any other employee, the PWDs started their jobs under a probationary status and get a chance to become regularized eventually.

Their tasks? Organizing files, answering phone calls and even handling confidential information!

Southstar employees had to undergo trainings and orientations on how to deal with their differently-abled colleagues.

“I told them that they didn’t have to give these new hires special treatment (as part of their initiative to give equal chances to PWDs like any other employee). But they do become excited to help the PWDs out,” said Michael.

The PWDs at the store have a positive impact because they have an “uplifting effect” on the customers and other employees. Customer service has significantly improved because the PWDs have inspired their colleagues to become more emphatic.

Right now, only the Manila branches are employing differently-abled folks, but the company is looking to add more opportunities for them in the future.

“It will not stop here, it will go beyond,” said Michael. “We are hoping and pushing forward so that we can create opportunities for all PWDs out of this project.”

You may read the full article here. 




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