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I wonder if there’s a mom or just anybody else who hasn’t been saved by …. Baby wipes! Everybody loves baby wipes! It’s your best friend whenever and wherever something stinky happened to you and your baby. 

According to Reader’s digest,  baby wipes can be used for more than just cleaning babies' bottoms. They're great for wiping your hands after pumping gas, mopping up small spills in the car, and cooling your sweaty brow after a run. In fact, wipes make ideal travel companions.

But that’s just few of the many great things that wipes can do for you. Mommy here’s a random list and I bet you’ll never look at baby wipes the same ever again. 

●    Wipe dust off house plants
●    Clean away household dust
●    Spruce up a leather sofa
●    Stain remover
●     De-grease frying pans 
●    Sanitise those germ-ridden public spots
●    Clean pets and catch pet hair
●    Get rid off deodorant marks on your clothes
●     Clean your kids plastic toys
●    Clean your keyboard
●    Reuse as dusting cloths
●     Remove eye make up

The list is endless, and now you wonder how can you ever lived without them.

For mommy and baby, wipes are very important during nappy changing whether be inside or outside the house. Baby wipes are as safe and effective as cotton wool and water and can even soothe nappy rash, according to scientists.

Did you know that you can make a DIY Baby wipes?

Here’s what you need:
●    1 roll of heavy duty paper towels 
●    Plastic shoebox containers, old plastic coffee containers or empty gallon plastic ice cream buckets also work.
●    1 3/4 cups boiled water (or distilled)-cooled but still warm
●    1 Tablespoon of pure aloe vera– check the ingredients
●    1 Tablespoon of pure Witch Hazel Extract
●    1 teaspoon of Liquid Soap
●    10 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract or 2 capsules of Vitamin E (optional)
●    1 teaspoon of Olive or Almond Oil (optional)
●    Essential Oils of choice (optional)

Here’s how you do it: 
1.    Cut the roll of paper towels in half using a sharp knife
2.    If using a plastic shoe box or old wipe container, accordion fold the wipes into the container.
3.    In bowl or quart size jar mix the water, aloe, witch hazel, liquid soap, GSE/Vitamin E and oil and stir.
4.    Add essential oils if desired and stir.
5.    Pour over paper towels in container and let absorb- this takes about 5-10 minutes.
6.    Flip the container over to make sure wipes are well soaked.
7.    Note: If your child has extremely sensitive skin, you may need to leave out the essential oils or use calendula or chamomile.
Busy to make one, mom? It’s okay, South Star Drug has got you covered! Check out our “Great Deal” promo for baby wipes that suit your little one’s skin type!

 39 unexpected uses of baby wipes.

Homemade Baby Wipes Ingredients.

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