Your baby’s tooth buds started developing under his gums even while she was inside your womb. Teething is the process of breaking off the gums to make way to milk teeth or primary teeth. Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. But it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. By the time your child is about 3 years old, he or she will have all 20 primary teeth. Teething is not as easy as it looks. It’s dreadful time for your baby. It takes a long and painful process. She’s going to need the TLC you give but with extra.
These are the teething signs that you need to watch out for:
1. red and swollen gums 2. red, flushed cheeks or face 3. heavy drooling 4. gum-rubbing, biting or sucking 5. rubbing her ear on the same side as an erupting tooth 6. sleepless at night and wakeful during the day 7. not feeding as well 8. irritable and unsettled
If you may notice, there are so many possible signs, and if your little one gets to experience all these, then you can imagine how distressing that could get. Actually, teething for babies is as painful as when wisdom tooth is sprouting. Awww!
Of course your mother instinct is thinking of ways to soothe your baby’s painful gums. We understand that so we went ahead and researched about these things:
Give your baby a massage by gently rubbing your child's gums with a clean finger or a wet gauze pad. It helps break down the gum tissues and numb the pain temporarily.
Give your baby drool-ready toys. Make sure teething rings are sterilized. Put them in the fridge for a while before giving it to your baby. If your baby is more than six months old, you could also let your baby chew on cool, soft foods such as banana and cucumber.
You may also be inclined to use topical teething gels as it usually contain a local anaesthetic and an antiseptic, which work together to ease pain and prevent infection. However, if your baby's younger than four months, check with your doctor before using teething gels or other remedies. Your pedia will recommend the right gel for your baby like sugar-free gels. Note: Only apply the right amount, use the instruction in the pack as a reference.
If you are wondering if your baby can take infant paracetamol or infant ibuprofen, the answer is yes. Don't give both together unless advised by a doctor. Check the dosage information on the packet or ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're unsure how much to give your baby.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest you take your baby to his first dental exam by age 1. Through this, you can get expert advice regarding your baby’s teething process and how to take care of his primary teeth to avoid further cavities.
And if all else fails, go with the extra cuddling! :)
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