How to Take Better Care of Your Prostate: Understanding Prostate Health & Maintenance - Southstar Drug

How to Take Better Care of Your Prostate: Understanding Prostate Health & Maintenance

Southstar Drug

Disclaimer: This article features medical and health topics for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace or serve as medical or professional advice for self-diagnosis, self-treatment, self-medication, or the like for any health-related condition or medical emergency. Make sure to consult a health care or medical professional for proper medical care, diagnosis, or treatment related to your situation.

What is the Prostate and Its Functions?

The prostate is a male reproductive organ that is the same size as a walnut. It’s nestled just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Just below the bladder runs the urethra that goes through the prostate and straight to the penis.

Within this whole system, the prostate is the gland that produces fluid into the urethra that nourishes and protects the sperm upon ejaculation. The prostate’s secretions include alkaline that lubricates the sperm. It also contains fructose and other enzymes that make up the semen. A healthy consistency of this mixture helps the sperm survive and travel through the vagina, neutralizing its acidic environment and ultimately contributing to the success of fertilization.  

These things considered, the health of the prostate is vital.

What are Characteristics of a Healthy Prostate

It is normal for a prostate to change in size as men age. Testosterone, a male hormone made by the testicles, enables the prostate to develop and grow during puberty. Initially, there is no cause for worry because a large prostate normally only means an enlargement of the gland. It is not attributed to cancer but to check further, consult with your doctor. There are several medical tests that can help identify the prostate’s health.

  1. The Digital Rectal Exam (DRE). This involves your doctor using a gloved and lubricated finger to check the prostate by feeling it through the rectum. Through this, the doctor can assess the size, shape, texture, and hardness of the prostate to gauge if there are any abnormalities. In case the doctor feels something foreign about it, other diagnostic tests may be recommended to confirm the findings.
  2. Prostate-specific Antigen Test (PSA). This test measures the protein produced by the prostate gland. Normally, there is a small number of prostate-specific antigens in the blood. By checking the level of PSA, it can validate whether prostate cancer or other issues such as prostate infection, inflammation (Prostatitis) or enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or BPH) are present. This test is often a follow-up to the digital rectal exam.
  3. Prostate Ultrasound. (transrectal ultrasound). This procedure involves an ultrasound probe inserted into the rectum that is brought closely to the prostate for further observation. 
  4. Prostate Biopsy. Lastly, if needed, this examination would require a needle to be inserted into the prostate to get a sample tissue to confirm the presence of prostate cancer. Like the other tests, this is usually done through the rectum.

Ways to Improve Prostate Health | Southstar Drug

How to Improve Prostate Health

Southstar Drug has gathered a few tips to help maintain a healthy prostate. Generally, aside from having a prostate check-up as part of men’s annual health exam, you can prevent health risks and complications by observing the following.

  1. Eat fresh. A balanced diet utilizing fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables can help make sure you sustain the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
  2. Cut down on processed foods. Lessen eating processed foods that are often low in nutrients but increasingly high in chemicals such as preservatives and artificial flavoring that may only cause health issues such as inflammation and other diseases. 
  3. Exercise more. Make sure you exercise regularly to keep your organs healthy. Despite working from home or being limited by community lockdowns, work to have enough movement for your body to break sweat regularly. Exercising, along with a good diet, reduces health risks such as obesity, diabetes, and even prostate cancer.
  4. Hydrate daily. Drinking water helps clean your system by washing away the bacteria and toxins from your bladder. Staying hydrated prevents infections that can lead to more serious damage such as kidney failure and prostate infection.
  5. Manage stress levels. Stress affects the body’s physiology which may increase the probability of prostate health issues. Furthermore, studies have found higher anxiety can influence PSA levels and the immune system’s ability to defend the body from illnesses. It is beneficial to release the tension and allow yourself to breathe more. Work through frustrations and fears by talking to friends and family or seeking professional help.
  6. Change bad habits. Vices like drinking, smoking, and other activities can help make your body vulnerable to health threats. Help yourself from straining pre-existing conditions or triggering health issues by maintaining an ideal lifestyle free of bad substances.
  7. Consult your doctor. Get proper medical advice to learn of different options in taking care of your reproductive health. Your doctor can introduce you to supplements that can help make a difference and manage a healthy prostate.

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Southstar Drug is here to help answer your health needs. For supplements that are recommended by your doctor or prescription medicines that can help address prostate issues, visit Southstar Drug or purchase online. Experience reliable essential services and convenience by also checking our other services such as MedSubscribe and Call & Pick.