How to Manage 5 Common Injuries in Babies and Toddlers - Southstar Drug

How to Manage 5 Common Injuries in Babies and Toddlers

Jose Topacio

baby on field


How to Manage 5 Common Injuries in Babies and Toddlers

Children, especially rambunctious toddlers, are prone to injuring themselves. You can try to childproof your home as much as possible, but you still can’t guarantee that there will be no accidents. What’s more, it’s impossible to keep an eye on children all the time; hovering, on the other hand, may get in the way of them from exploring and learning on their own.

As such, it’s best to be prepared for any scenario. By learning how to deal with common accidents that involve your little ones, you can both avoid panic and prevent the situation from getting worse.

Here are some tips you can follow in managing minor injuries in babies and toddlers, plus some general advice on how to minimize risks in and around the house:

Bumps and Bruises

Once your children figure out how to crawl and walk, it will only be a matter of time until they’re falling, slipping, and tripping. Their lack of coordination may also cause them to bump into furniture and other objects around the house. The result: bumps and bruises that can cause discomfort and pain.

The best thing to do about bruises is to ice the affected area for about 15 minutes at a time. If there’s any swelling, you can try to control or bring it down through compression; you can use an elastic bandage for this, but make sure you don’t wrap it too tight. For pain management, you can give over-the-counter (OTC) medications like paracetamol although note that aspirin is not advised for children under 16. Make it a habit to buy medicine online so you always have a supply at home.

To prevent bumps and bruises as much as possible, you can install railings, baby gates, corner guards, and other protective accessories. To minimize tripping, keep pathways clutter-free and consider removing rugs in the meantime.

Cuts and Burns

Most kids will get poked or cut by something sharp while playing or trying to be helpful—ever had a curious toddler in the kitchen? Smaller wounds might sting a little, only needing a thorough wash and a tiny bit of antiseptic. For larger cuts, the first order of business is to stop the bleeding before cleaning the area and applying first aid. With proper care, minor wounds will heal in a few days.

Meanwhile, steam, hot drinks, hot cookware, open flames, irons, and various home appliances can cause burns and scalds. Most children are naturally curious and, as a result, they get into accidents more often. To treat a burn, hold the burned part under cool running water for about 10 minutes. Then, apply a non-greasy burn ointment. You can also give your child some OTC medications for pain management.

For prevention, the most viable solution to prevent cuts and burns is to keep anything that can cause these injuries well away from the reach of children. There are also protectors or locks you can attach to stove knobs.

Animal Bites or Stings

For animal bites and stings, the best thing to do is to wash them and apply the necessary treatment like antibacterial ointments or rash creams. However, go to the doctor immediately if:

  • The bite causes a deep wound that bleeds heavily
  • The resulting wound is showing signs of infection
  • Your child is showing allergic reactions such as difficulty in breathing, hives, etc.
  • The animal that bit your child is wild
  • You are unsure if the animal has had complete rabies shots
  • The bite is from a venomous animal (e.g., snake)
  • The bite is deep and on your child’s face or near a joint


Choking is a common hazard among young children. From trying to eat too-big pieces of fruit, to getting into the habit of putting objects in their mouths, there are many reasons that choking happens to babies and toddlers. The simplest way to deal with this incident is to learn the Heimlich maneuver. CPR is also a useful technique to learn, and may even dislodge the object.

If you can see the object, you may also try to clear the airway by reaching a finger into the mouth. However, only attempt this if you’re reasonably confident that you can remove the blockage. Otherwise, go to the emergency room ASAP or call the nearest hospital.

To reduce the risk of choking, make sure to give your child smaller pieces of food and be patient in guiding them on how to hew. You should also heed warnings on toys, and keep small objects away from children. If possible, store them in lockable containers. For older children who are able to follow instructions, be stern with reminders about putting things in their mouths.


Finally, poisoning is another common incident at home. Much like how they put things in their mouths, children’s natural curiosity may make them drink or eat poisonous substances like cosmetics or household cleaners. Even something not inherently toxic like medicines can become hazardous to children because of the risk of overdose. There are also ornamental plants that are poisonous.

The best thing to do if you think your child is poisoned is to call a hospital emergency hotline. Try to describe the situation as best as you can, so they can give you proper instructions. Don’t induce vomiting, as this can do more damage, especially to the throat.

Minimizing poisoning incidents at home starts by the proper storage of items that can cause poisoning. Either keep them in locked cabinets or in areas where children can’t reach. You should also replace any poisonous plants with safer ones.

 All of these may seem tedious, but they’re all for your peace of mind. Remember: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure