Mental Health Awareness: Breaking the Stigma | Southstar Drug
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Mental Health Awareness: Breaking the Stigma

Mental Health Awareness: Breaking the Stigma - Southstar Drug
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Understand better and know the truth behind mental health. Be open and know more.


Our society has misconceptions when it comes to mental health. Popular notions are often negative that give most people the wrong impression. These myths have cast a shadow about mental health that made discussion about it awkward or misguided. Fortunately, the public’s outlook is currently shifting, and we are becoming more open and hence, more informed of the facts about mental health.

Myths about mental health can possibly be harmful to those suffering from mental illnesses; thus, it is important that we educate ourselves and identify fact from fiction. Below are some of the common myths about mental health.

  • People who suffer from mental illnesses are “crazy.” It’s a typical toxic stereotype that generates degrading or insulting labels for people who are just sick. But like other people suffering from other diseases, anyone with a mental illness only needs treatment and proper care. Suffering from this affliction only makes a person vulnerable but not crazy. There is a wide spectrum that ranges from mild to extreme and like other kinds of sickness, may eventually fade or be cured.
  • People with mental illnesses are violent. Perhaps a straitjacket is the primary visual that can be associated with this thought but not everyone who has mental illness is violent. Violent behavior can only be observed from those who suffer from major mental health disorders. Statistics show that this is rarer than violence committed by criminals. Sadly, those who are mentally ill are more likely to be the victim of violence rather than the perpetrator. Research even shows that they are more likely to harm themselves than others.
  • People who are mentally sick cannot have a normal life.  There are probably more people around suffering from a degree of mental illness or another and still performing at school or delivering results at work. Mental illnesses, depending on which, are not totally crippling. Many individuals with a mental illness still lead productive lives and even build their own families. With the right medication, attention and treatment, their condition can improve largely and still contribute meaningfully to society.
    1. Medication or treatment for mental illness is either scary or harmful. The past techniques of curing or treating mental illness still lacked reason and research hence they were aggressive and disrupting. Thankfully, with further study and advancement in technology, new treatments were discovered that are more effective and less stressful to the patient.  Unsafe methods are banned, and prescription medication is adjustable to better suit the specific needs of each patient. At present, the combination of medication and mental health therapy methods are employed that are aimed at giving both relief and hope to mental health patients today.

    Myths on mental health can be harmful to those suffering from mental illnesses and may hinder their recovery | Southstar Drug Store

    Myths on mental health can be harmful to those suffering from mental illnesses and may hinder their recovery.



    Mental health is a complex subject that is not only isolated as the condition of a person’s mind. It is about the harmony of our emotional, psychological, and social wellness. It’s not all in the mind, it is also about how we feel and act. So, when people have problems with their mental health, the mind, mood, and behavior may be burdened. 

    Factors that may cause for mental issues vary, but generally, it can be caused by:

      • Biological factors relevant to a person’s genes or brain chemistry.
      • Personal life experiences that may be about a trauma or abuse; or,
  • Family history where the condition may be inherited from a line present with mental health problems.
  • Other sources have described other factors, but the root is somewhat related to an individual’s relationship with one’s self and/or with others. Triggers vary that result in effects that also vary in degree. There are no exact same experiences as every person’s experience who’s suffering from a mental illness is unique.

    Taking every person’s experience into account and with years of study on the matter, experts have identified more than a hundred kinds of mental health disorders. But to have a general understanding of these distinctions, there are also main groups that help classify mental illnesses. Let us describe at least three.

      1. Mood disorders. This general mental health condition includes depression and bipolar disorder among others. It comes from the different internal and external factors that may result in shifts in the mood or energy of a person.
  • Anxiety disorders. Common types of anxiety problems include Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This is related to how a person responds to certain things or situations that may cause fear and dread. Aside from the mental impact, it has physical manifestations such as pounding of the heart, sweating, and trembling.
  • Eating disorders. This mental disorder is about having a complex attitude towards food and eating, exercise or body image. It is serious and can be damaging with conditions such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder.
  • Sometimes, these disorders overlap and may exist on top of another. There are also personality disorders, psychotic disorders, trauma-related disorders, and substance abuse disorders. That is not even half of the list. The important thing is, despite the available information shared here and elsewhere, do not self-diagnose.  

    Ultimately, it is still important to go see an expert and have a safe environment and dedicated professional to help process this with you. The National Center for Mental Health offers assistance for individuals suffering from mental health problems through their hotlines: 

    Nationwide landline, toll-free - 1553
    Globe/TM subscribers - 0917-899-8727/0966-351-4518
    Smart/Sun/TNT subscribers - 0908-639-2672
    You can also learn more about them through their Facebook page.


    Protect your mental health, consult a professional | Southstar Drug Store

    Don’t hesitate to consult a professional to help protect your mental health.



    Apart from maintaining the health of your body through good nutrition and exercise, keep a healthy mind also means:

    1. forming positive and meaningful relationships
    2. having light or deep conversations with people you trust
    3. letting yourself feel instead of holding everything in
    4. de-stressing, sleeping, and relaxing enough
    5. keeping up with your hobbies

    When life gets too toxic and you don’t have a space for yourself and for others, it can get difficult and mixed up. It is sometimes impossible to do it all alone. 

    Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family, and if necessary, seek professional help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Remember mental health is just as important as our physical health. 


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