The Perfect Two – Southstar Drug
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The Perfect Two

Southstar Drug|

They say that hair is man's crowning glory. Well, that's pretty agreeable as change in our hair style affects our overall appearance in  both positive and negative ways possible. We can not deny the phenomenon about how our generation turned out to be conscious with our hair. Amongst all the many goals circulating the social media world, one of these is obviously the #hairgoals.

Straight-blonde hair? Classic! Dark-Kinky? Stylish! Pink balayage-ocean waves? Trendy! Ash grey-Ombre? Cooool!  Name it! There are so many hair transformation that you can transform your hair into. But of course, because of these hair styling activities that both women and men are hooked up nowadays, hair gets tortured and if it owns a voice it probably have cried for "heeeeelp!"

Some say that hair is a dead cell, so why care anyway?
Scientifically speaking, hair is both alive and dead. The part of the hair found inside the hair follicle is alive. The visible part (shaft of the hair ) doesn’t have any biochemical activity in it is considered dead. Even though a part of your hair is dead, you still need to feed the part that’s alive.

Here are some hair problems and the nutrients needed  to achieve healthy hair:

1. Do you want to prevent dull hair and a dry scalp? This is when vitamin B12, iron, protein and omega-3 fatty acids come to the rescue!
2. If you are experiencing an oily hair day, take your daily grab of dark leafy green vegetables which are rich in vitamins C and A. This will help you achieve the optimum amount of sebum your hair needs.
3. Brittle hair? Hassle!  It also means you’re lacking Biotin. Biotin activates some enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbon dioxide for your hair.
4. Of course, all of us might have experienced hair fall. How embarrassing to see hair strands everywhere! To fight this problem, be sure not to skip your zinc needs. Together with selenium, both nutrients provide a healthy scalp and prevent hair loss.

You will need a healthy diet to keep your hair strong and healthy. But for your instant daily hair regimen, of course shampoo and conditioner are sure must-haves! If you were born with gorgeous hair no matter what you do, then you deserve a big CONGRATULATIONS! Unfortunately though, most of us don't have that. (Sighs.) So choosing the shampoo and conditioner that will suit your hair type and match your hair needs will surely make way to a more vital and lustrous hair.

1. For fine hair, wash it with a ‘volumizing’ shampoo and conditioner to add life and volume.
2. For curly hair, tame flyaway hair and prevent dry, damaged-looking tresses, use shampoo and conditioner specifically for dry or chemically treated hair.
3. Dry hair? No worries. Look for shampoos with intensive moisture replenishment. Coconut oil is one of the best emollients for dry hair too!
4. Say goodbye to oily hair. Use shampoo specifically formulated for oily hair and stay away from shampoo that bills itself as moisturizing or conditioning. You don’t want to add more moisture to oily hair, don’t you?
5. For your colored hair, choose a color-preserving shampoo that won't strip out the highlights you just spent a good cash on at the salon.

Getting lost about where you can get the products that will give you the #hairgoals? Southstar Drug’s Summer Super Savers offers you 50% discount on selected shampoo and conditioner! Hurry promo is still going on!

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