5 Effective Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure – Southstar Drug
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5 Effective Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

5 Effective Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure - Southstar Drug
Be healthy at all times to be able to control your blood pressure. In this article, you will be informed about the most effective ways to promote your well-being.    
Regular Check Up

Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a health concern caused by the prolonged high-pressure flow of the blood against the arteries that cause health complications. Though doctors can easily detect high blood pressure, a person can be undiagnosed for years because of non-severe symptoms at the early onset of the condition.


According to the FNRI (Food and Nutrition Research Institute), as of 2020, the number of hypertension cases affecting individuals who are 20 years old and above has increased.


Though the current pandemic forced people to adopt a healthier lifestyle, we still need long-term solutions to combat serious health issues. Particularly, hypertension can lead to heart disease and stroke - the top two leading causes of death as declared by the WHO (World Health Organization)

Recent News on Hypertension

With nearly 8,000,000 adult Filipinos suffering from hypertension, the country has proclaimed the month of May as the National Hypertension Awareness Month (Proclamation No. 1761).  The goal is to raise awareness about hypertension's risk factors, symptoms, and management.


The month-long observance also becomes a platform for different pharmaceutical companies to highlight advancements and developments in treatments against hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.

Why do you need to address hypertension?

The good thing is that once diagnosed with hypertension, there are a lot of different blood pressure management treatments that you can discuss with your doctor to control it - this may include regular monitoring of your blood pressure, regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet.


Healthy and controlled blood pressure can help you live a more fulfilling and longer life. So, here are five effective ways to reduce your blood pressure:



Physical Exercise

Include physical activity in your daily routine

Daily physical activity can help you lose weight, leading to better-controlled blood pressure. In most cases, a simple home workout or brisk walking for 15 - 30 minutes a day can be enough.

Consistency is the key. So, start small and choose a physical activity you enjoy because the goal is to create a habit and not just a week of exercise.

Avoid salty foods

Eating salty food increases water retention in your bloodstream, which can cause your blood pressure to rise. Do not use table salt as much as possible to reduce sodium intake or choose food marked as "unsalted" or "sodium-free."

 Avoid eating canned and processed food as these are usually soaked in salted formulas to aid in preservation. Always take time to read the food label before buying.

Cut down your stressors       

An overstimulated nervous system can cause repeated blood pressure elevations, which can strain your arteries.


Avoid resorting to unhealthy practices to deal with stress like binge eating fast food, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol.

Take prescribed medicine

In some cases, doctors may recommend medicines to help control hypertension and manage your blood pressure. There are effective medicines to treat hypertension and dyslipidemia or unhealthy fats.

These medicines can stand alone or can be combined with other anti-hypertensive tablets. Thus, as a precaution, always consult with a medical practitioner before starting on any medications.

Visit your doctor regularly

Prevention is always better than cure. A regular visit to your doctor can prevent hypertension and severe medical conditions resulting from elevated blood pressure.

 A medically approved plan over self-help routines can be more effective in managing hypertension. Doctors can help control your blood pressure and give you the correct diagnosis and treatment plan.


Bottom Line

Hypertension is a serious health condition that one must be aware of no matter how light your early symptoms are. Therefore, proper medical consultation, a healthy lifestyle, and medications can help you manage your blood pressure and prevent other severe health issues.


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