
Southstar Drug

Gastroenteritis is more than just a stomach ache. There’s more to it than meets our eyes when we see our baby is trembling. Expect to see these things on your baby:

  • diarrhoea means runny, watery poo
  • children need to drink plenty of fluids if they have gastro
  • give small amounts of fluid often
  • gastro can cause dehydration, especially in babies and young children
  • watch for signs of dehydration (such as dry lips, fewer wet nappies, sunken eyes, unusual sleepiness) and take your child to see a doctor urgently if you suspect it

Be very observant on how mild or severe her symptoms can get.

Gastroenteritis​ is actually called as “Stomach Flu” -- makes sense when we say that it’s more than just a stomach ache, right?,  is an inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. There are a lot of viruses to be blamed why your baby gets this. Let’s name them: rotavirus, adenovirus, calicivirus, and astrovirus.

Just a heads up: the following information is going to be medically inclined as this is something we really have to take seriously:

  • Rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrhoeal disease among infants and young children. It is a genus of double-stranded RNA viruses in the family Reoviridae.
  • Adenoviruses are medium-sized, nonenveloped viruses with an icosahedral nucleocapsid containing a double stranded DNA genome.
  • Calicivirus is a family of viruses, members of Class IV of the Baltimore scheme. They are positive-sense, single stranded RNA which is non-segmented.
  • Astrovirus is a type of virus that was first discovered in 1975 using electron microscopes following an outbreak of diarrhoea in humans.

But gastroenteritis can also be caused by a potentially more serious bacterial infection, such as Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter, or E. coli. Still other cases are caused by parasites such as giardia.

  • Salmonella is a bacterium that occurs mainly in the intestine, especially a serotype causing food poisoning food poisoning caused by infection with salmonella bacterium.
  • Shigella is a genus of Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, non spore-forming, nonmotile, rod-shaped bacteria closely related to Salmonella.
  • Staphylococcus is a genus of Gram-positive bacteria. Under the microscope, they appear round, and form in grape-like clusters.
  • Campylobacter is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria. Campylobacter typically appear comma or s-shaped and motile.
  • E. Coli or Escherichia coli is a Gram negative gammaproteobacteria commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms.

Gastroenteritis is very contagious. From eating or drinking something contaminated, sharing utensils with someone who has any of those virus, to putting her hands on her mouth  even if they don’t look dirty, your baby is surely at risk! Remember that it’s possible to have the virus without showing symptoms. And even if things look clean, they may be covered with germs and bacteria, still.

So as soon as you see any signs of gastroenteritis on your baby, give your pediatrician a call right there and then. Do not wait till you find a blood on her stool.

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Hair Loss in Babies

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If you notice that your newborn baby has been losing his hair on the top of his head, the side and back or going bald, just stay calm!  ​Do not freak out because hair loss in newborn is not something you should worry about (that much)!  
Babies often lose their hair during the first six months. This kind of hair loss is called telogen effluvium (when some stress causes hair roots to be pushed prematurely into the resting state.) Wondering why it happens? Here: Hair has a growth stage and a resting stage. The growth stage lasts about three years, and the resting stage lasts about three months. During the resting stage, the hair remains in the follicle until the new hair starts coming in. During the resting phase, a drop-off in hormone levels after birth, stress, fever, can cause a large number of hairs to stop growing all at once. The shedding begins when the next growth stage starts up about three months later. Same thing happens with new moms for the same reason.  Observe how your baby sits and sleeps as it can be a factor why your baby has bald patches. Alternate the way your baby sleeps if you notice that the bald spot is the result of your baby spending too much time in the same position. But overall speaking, if the hair loss is related to change in hormone levels, then you can’t do something about it. All you can do is to wait for the new hair locks to grow.  If breakage caused your baby's hair loss, you'll just have to treat his hair and scalp tenderly for a while until it grows back. Here are the things you can do: - Do not wash your baby’s hair everyday. And whenever you shampoo her hair, make it quick as she don’t really need it often times.  - Massage your baby’s scalp gently. Put in mind that the hair follicles might get stress when you do too-brisk scalp massage -- thus results to more hair loss and breakage.  - Avoid tight hair comb as it might snag on tangles and pull baby hair. Comb her hair with soft-bristle brush instead. - Although, colorful hairband and pretty ponytails look really adorable on your baby girl’s head, better not to put them often as it may damage her locks.  

If there’s a severe hair loss and your mommy instinct tells you that something’s wrong especially if it is beyond 6 months already, then go ahead and call the doctor real quick.  Your baby might be experiencing alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a type of ​hair loss that occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks ​hair follicles​ , which is where hair​ growth begins. You might be referred to a dermatologist for further evaluation. (Some children simply outgrow alopecia areata without treatment. Others — usually older children — receive medication to stimulate hair growth.

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Teething Troubles

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Your baby’s tooth buds started developing under his gums even while she was inside your womb. Teething is the process of breaking off the gums to make way to milk teeth or primary teeth. ​Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. But it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. By the time your child is about 3 years old, he or she will have all 20 primary ​teeth​.   Teething is not as easy as it looks. It’s  dreadful time for your baby. It takes a long and painful process. She’s going to need the TLC you give but with extra.  
These are the teething signs that you need to watch  out for:  
1. red and swollen gums 2. red, flushed cheeks or face 3. heavy drooling 4. gum-rubbing, biting or sucking 5. rubbing her ear on the same side as an erupting tooth 6. sleepless at night and wakeful during the day 7. not feeding as well 8. irritable and unsettled
If you may notice, there are so many possible signs, and if your little one gets to experience all these, then you can imagine how distressing that could get. Actually, teething for babies is as painful as when wisdom tooth is sprouting. Awww!
Of course your mother instinct is thinking of ways to soothe your baby’s painful gums. We understand that so we went ahead and researched about these things:  
Give your baby a massage by gently rubbing your child's gums with a clean finger or a wet gauze pad. It helps break down the gum tissues and numb the pain temporarily.  
Give your baby drool-ready toys. Make sure teething rings are sterilized. Put them in the fridge for a while before giving it to your baby.  If your baby is more than six months old, you could also let your baby chew on cool, soft foods such as banana and cucumber.  
You may also be inclined to use topical teething gels as it usually contain a local anaesthetic and an antiseptic, which work together to ease pain and prevent infection. However, if your baby's younger than four months, check with your doctor before using teething gels or other remedies. Your pedia will recommend the right gel for your baby like sugar-free gels.  Note: Only apply the right amount, use the instruction in the pack as a reference.  
If you are wondering if your baby can take infant paracetamol or infant ibuprofen, the answer is yes. Don't give both together unless advised by a doctor. Check the dosage information on the packet or ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're unsure how much to give your baby.  
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest you take your baby to his first dental exam by age 1. Through this, you can get expert advice regarding your baby’s teething process and how to take care of his primary teeth to avoid further cavities.  
And if all else fails, go with the extra cuddling! :)

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Alright. To begin with, let’s be clear about one thing: colic is not a disease. Colic is present in healthy babies, even. Colic most often shows up when a baby is 2 or 3 weeks old. Those who have colic are no different from those who don’t have.

Let’s go on.

We know that all babies cry and that the levels of crying differ from one another. When a baby cries for about three hours or more on three more days a week, then she is colicky. Colic is an uncontrollable crying of baby. You may notice that the crying is louder and higher pitched than the normal crying.

You could just imagine how distressing these instances could get for both parents and baby. Such a tough thing to keep your calm. Sometimes you might give in and break down (and that’s understandable, too). But hey, that doesn’t means you’re a bad mommy!

Lots of parents have been wondering about what really is the cause of colic. Some experts believe that it is a physical release for sensitive babies. When babies can no longer handle stimulation like sights, sounds or sensation, it caused them to get agitated and cry, cry cry. Some experts believe colic is the result of an allergy to milk protein (or lactose intolerance) in formula-fed babies. Much more rarely, colic may be a reaction to specific foods in Mom's diet in breastfed babies. Either way, these allergies or sensitivity can cause tummy pain that may set off colicky behavior. Others believe that it is caused by a gassy tummy. Albeit, experts say that it is not the cause, however, it could be the consequence of prolonged crying -- allowing air to be swallowed in.

Babies normally cry when they're wet, hungry, frightened, or tired. (That’s normal!)

However, a baby with colic cries excessively, often at the same time of day. It happens usually in the late afternoon or evening when everyone just want to take a nap or good night sleep. You may notice that your colicky baby clenches his fingers, arches his back, becomes flushed, and alternately extends or pulls up his legs and passes gas as he cries. He may sometimes feel better after passing gas or having a bowel movement.

Colic tends to peak around 6 weeks, and then improves significantly between 3 and 4 months. By 4 months of age, 80 to 90 percent of infants are over colic. The remaining small percentage might take another month. Know that colic can get better on its own and you may just have to wait for the fussiness to improve on its own at 4 months or so.

And if your baby has other symptoms – like fever, vomiting, or bloody stools – call his doctor immediately as the symptoms are not due to colic.



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Worried about the pink rashes that appear on your child’s neck, face, arms, and legs? They might be suffering from the so-called Sixth Disease or baby measles which is characterized by a high fever followed by a pink-red raised or flat rash. Know all the symptoms and signs, causes, and how to prevent it for your child’s health.

Did you know that Rubeola, also known as ​measles, is a fatal disease that is caused by a virus—paramyxovirus? It is a highly contagious respiratory infection that spreads from person to person through the air when the infected person sneezed or coughed.

The first symptoms of being infected by this virus are usually hacking cough, extreme runny nose, high fever and red eyes. After two to four days of having these symptoms, the child may develop spots within the mouth called ​Koplik's spots which looks like little grains of white sand surrounded by a red ring and are usually found inside the cheek toward the back of the mouth (opposite the first and second upper molars). A couple of days after, a measles rash appears on your child’s face and neck down to his back and trunk, then to his arms and hands, and finally to his legs and feetcoinciding with a high fever of 104℉ or 40℃. The rash will slowly go away after a few days as it turns into a brownish color leaving the skin dry and flaky.

Who are at Risk?
The most at risk for getting measles are young children who are unvaccinated and poorly nourished, especially those who aren’t getting vitamin A. Since measles is highly contagious and spreads into the air when people breathe in or have direct contact with virus-infected fluid, those who have crowded living conditions can also put people at high risk because of measles.

Routing measles vaccination for children is a must. Have them vaccinated according to the immunization schedule prescribed by your doctor. It is said that measles protection is part of the ​measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) or measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV) that is given when the child is at 12 to 15 months old and get vaccinated again when they’re 4 to 6 years old. Immunization schedules should always be followed in order to provide protection for your child.

Having baby measles has no specific medical treatment but there are some tips for to keep the fever, that’s one of the symptoms under controlled:

  • Open all the windows and switch on the fan to cool down the temperature of the room.
  • Wrap a cool linen cloths around your baby’s legs and arms and change it after a couple of  minutes
  • Place a face flannel with ice blocks on your baby’s neck or forehead.
  • Bath your baby in warm water—not cold.
  • Be sure to increase your baby’s liquid intake like water and juice to prevent dehydration
  • Give your child a proper dose of medicine.

Always be smart, aware and protected! Let your doctor give you the best prescription for your child’s safety.

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Item 1

There are many moms out there who think of choosing the alternative to breast-feeding, and that is, bottle-feeding. Bottle-feeding allows freedom especially to moms as they have more time for duties other than those involving baby care. When a baby is bottle fed, the parent gets the exact measurement of milk her baby gets. It will also help mom to know how much more her baby needs to be full. If your mother instincts tell you to go bottle-feeding then go ahead, but be sure to know these things

Choosing the Right Bottle:

Bottle material: Glass, silicone, plastic, and stainless steel are the most common materials.

  • Plastic came to picture in lieu of glass bottle. It is light, ubiquitous, shatterproof and inexpensive. However, there are chemical in polycarbonate plastic could lead to certain cancers, changes in the brain and reproductive system, and early puberty. Also, plastic bottle needs to be replaced regularly as the quality deteriorates.

  • Silicone bottles are light, unbreakable, BPA-free (BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins), and often soft but more expensive than plastic and glass. Silicone bottles are not available in drugstore and supermarket.

  • Stainless steel is light, unbreakable, BPA-free, and lasts for a long time, but like silicone, these bottles can be expensive and hard to find.

Bottle shape: There’s no much problem in choosing the right shape of bottle as the market provides ergonomically designed bottles. Traditional ones are tall and slightly curved or angled.

Venting systems: Vented baby bottles are also known as natural flow bottles (named after the popular vented bottle by Dr Brown) or anti-colic bottles. Baby bottles can be vented from the nipple, by use of a straw or by a valve in the base of the bottle. It prevents colic or gas vacuum can cause air bubbles to become trapped inside the nipple. .

Size and number: The number of bottles you'll need to own can range from about 4 to 12. Stick with 4 on the first 4 months and then continue to 5-12 as your baby grows a bigger appetite.

Bottle Care

Before you first use new bottles, sterilize them by submerging them in a pot of boiling water for at least five minutes. Then let them air dry on a clean towel or handy bottle-feeding gear, such as bottle drying racks and dishwasher baskets

Note: Don't boil plastic baby bottles, heat them in the microwave, or wash them in the dishwasher because chemicals will be released when exposed to too much heat.

When to replace a bottle

It’s time to say bye to your bottle when these things happen:

  • Cracks, chips, or breaks — Your child could cut, pinch, or otherwise injure himself. This is especially dangerous if you use glass bottles. single scratch, dent or chip could be hazardous. Just throw it away if you see one.

  • Discolouration of the bottle is another warning sign. And remember, if you use bottles with disposable liners, you should throw away the liner after each use.

If you have decided to bottle-feed your baby, you’ll have to start by selecting a formula. Your pediatrician will help you pick one based on your baby’s needs. If you need further reference, feel free to take a whirl in our article about Formula Milk! 

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Thrush Talk

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When you see milk curds like inside the cheeks, on the roof of the mouth, on the gums, or on your baby’s tongue -- that could be a common harmless yeast infection called, thrush! Oral thrush is very common type of newborn ailments, it’s actually the second top next to common colds. Many babies get thrush in the mouth in the first few weeks or months of birth.

Yeast is present and normal part of everyone’s digestive system. Yeast organisms are part of the germs (including bacteria) that are normally found on various parts of the body and which ordinarily cause no symptoms.  It is usually kept in check by the immune system and other types of germs that also normally live in the mouth.
But when there’s an imbalance, infections set in. Due to hormonal change after birth, overgrowth of yeast may develop.

Most infants come in contact with yeast as they travel down the birth canal. Some moms and babies pass the infection back and forth. Your baby can pass thrush on to you if you're breastfeeding, resulting in a painful yeast infection on your nipples that will need a doctor's treatment. And you can trigger a case of thrush in your baby if you're breastfeeding and you develop a yeast infection on your nipples from taking antibiotics. On the other hand, some moms remain uninfected even while breastfeeding babies who have thrush — and some breastfed babies are not affected by their mother's yeast infection. Oral thrush infections can also happen if there are course of treatments with antibiotics. This is because antibiotics kills the levels of good bacteria in a baby's mouth, which allows fungus levels to increase.

It’s not easy to pinpoint what causes thrush. Some babies get oral thrush because of prolonged sucking in bottles and pacifiers, while some are not. Thrush can be very irritating but it is treatable.
If you think your baby may have thrush in the mouth, one needs to go to a doctor or health nurse to be sure, and to get advice about the treatment. The treatment may be drops or a gel which needs to be spread around the inside of the mouth, not just put on the tongue. If the baby is breastfeeding, the mother's nipples may need to be treated at the same time as the baby to prevent the infection passing back and forth.
In many cases, oral thrush in infants can disappear within two weeks and may need no treatment other than watching the progress of the mouth lesions. Because oral thrush may affect feedings, the pediatrician should still be notified if symptoms appear in an infant.

Please let us know your thoughts and experiences about oral thrush by commenting below. We would be happy to hear from you!

Thrush in Babies.

Oral Thrushes in Babies.

Oral Thrush in Babies:

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Baby’s Ear Infections!

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Ear infections are one of the most commonly diagnosed illnesses in children along with common colds and oral thrush. About half of babies have at least one ear infection by the time they turn 1 year old, and most have had at least one ear infection by their third birthday.

An ear infection can be caused by bacteria or a virus. It happens when fluid builds up in the area behind your baby's eardrum and then becomes infected.
Let's venture inside the middle ear to see how germs and tiny ears make such frequent contact. Normally any fluid that enters this area leaves pretty quickly through the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. But if the eustachian tube is blocked – as often happens during colds, sinus infections, even allergies – the fluid gets trapped in the middle ear. Anatomy is a contributing factor as well. A child's eustachian tubes are shorter, less angled, and floppier than an adult's, which means that both fluid and germs are more likely to get trapped in the middle ear. In addition, a child's immune system is still developing, so she has a tougher time than an adult in fighting off viruses and bacteria.
Germs like to grow in dark, warm, wet places, so a fluid-filled middle ear is the perfect breeding ground. As the infection gets worse, the inflammation in and behind the eardrum also tends to worsen, making the condition more painful.

The common symptoms of an ear infection include:

  • Your baby pulls, grabs, or tugs at his ears. This could be a sign he's in pain. (Babies do pull on their ears for all kinds of reasons or for no reason at all. So if your baby seems otherwise fine, he probably doesn't have an ear infection.)
  • Diarrhea or vomiting. The bug that causes the ear infection can also affect the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Reduced appetite. Ear infections can cause gastrointestinal upset. They can also make it painful for your baby to swallow and chew. You may notice your baby pull away from the breast or bottle after he takes the first few sips.
  • Yellow or whitish fluid draining from the ear. This doesn't happen to most babies, but it's a sure sign of infection. It also signals that a small hole has developed in the eardrum. (Don't worry – this will heal once the infection is treated.)
  • Unpleasant smell. You may detect a foul odor coming from your child's ear.
  • Difficulty sleeping. Lying down can make an ear infection more painful.

Your child's hearing depends on the proper vibration of the eardrum and the structures of the middle. Repeated infections can damage the eardrum, while repeated fluid accumulation dampens the vibrations, both of which interfere with hearing. That's why it's imperative to take ear infections seriously, especially when your baby is learning to talk. Periodic hearing loss can lead to speech delays or even language problems that can affect her school performance later.
Using a pacifier may increase the risk of middle ear infections in babies and young children. In one study, the incidence of ear infections was 33 percent lower in babies who didn't use pacifiers.

Please let us know your thoughts and experiences about baby’s ear infection by commenting below. We would be happy to hear from you!

How to Tell If It's an Ear Infection
Ear infections.
Must-Read Guide to Babies and Ear Infections

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Blocked Tear Ducts

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Have you already read the “Babies Sob Stories” that is featured in our Baby Tips  section? If yes, you would probably have the ideas why our babies cry most of the time,  the reasons behind it, and how to best soothe them. Truly, something could mean  whenever our babies tear up! And whatever it is, we could say that tearing up is a sign  of life; whereby our babies could actually feel something and able to communicate it too!

However, cases like ​blocked tear ducts happen most often in babies, though they may  occur at any age. They affect about 6 out of 100 newborns. A blockage along any point  of this tear duct system is known as a blocked tear duct or dacryostenosis.Tears  normally drain from the ​eye​ through small tubes called ​tear ducts​, which stretch from  the ​eye​ into the nose. If a tear duct becomes blocked or fails to open, tears cannot drain  from the ​eye​ properly. The duct may fill with fluid and become swollen, inflamed, and  sometimes infected.

These are the following symptoms of a blocked tear duct that your baby might b  experiencing:

  •  watering eye
  • tears running down the face
  • discharge of pus
  • crusted mucus along the eyelashes
  • increased susceptibility to eye infections. 

The  most common cause.of blocked tear ducts is failure of the thin tissue at the end of  the tear duct to open normally. Some other causes are infections, abnormal growth of  the nasal bone that puts pressure on a tear duct and closes it off and closed or  undeveloped openings in the corners of the eyes where tears drain into the tear ducts. 

Most of the time, blocked tear ducts in babies clear up on their own during the baby's  first year. They usually have no effect on the baby's vision or cause any lasting ​eye  problems​. In time, the tear duct usually finishes developing and the problem goes. This  typically happens within a few weeks after birth. In some babies it can take several  months. So, you will normally be advised just to wait and see if the problem goes. If the  tear duct is still blocked by about 12 months of age, your doctor may refer your baby to  an eye specialist. An option is for a specialist to perform a procedure where a very thin  instrument is passed into the tear duct to open up the duct. The procedure is usually  undertaken as a day case and it is normally very successful.

For home remedies, you may  massage the tear duct of your baby. To do this, use  gentle pressure with your finger on the outside of your baby's nose and then stroke  downwards towards the corner of the nose. This should be repeated ten times a day.  This can help to clear pooled tears in the blocked duct. It may also help the tear duct to  develop.

If gluey or sticky material develops then you should wipe it away with some moistened  cotton wool. Ideally, moisten the cotton wool with sterile water (cool water that has  previously been boiled).

Most babies will respond to this massaging and then will not need any further treatment.

Please let us know your thoughts and experiences about newborn blocked tear ducts by  commenting below. We would be happy to hear from you, parents! 

  Tear Duct Blockage in Babies.­duct­blockage­in­babies

Blocked Tear Ducts.­health/tc/blocked­tear­ducts­topic­overview

Blocked Tear Ducts in Babies.­tear­ducts­in­babies_10403185.bc


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Newborn Jaundice

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We have seen babies in television commercials who reflect luminous and flawless skin  ­­ making us imagine how our babies would probably have the same fair skin too!  However, these things are not always true to life. ​Many normal, healthy newborns have  a yellowish tinge to their skin or sometimes on the white of the eyes. This is known as  newborn jaundice.

Jaundice is one of the most common conditions that can affect newborn babies. It's  estimated 6 out of every 10 babies develop jaundice, including 8 out of 10 babies ​born  prematurely​ (babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy). However, only around 1  in 20 babies has a blood bilirubin level high enough to need treatment.

The symptoms of newborn jaundice usually develop two to three days after the birth and  tend to get better without treatment by the time the baby is about two weeks old.

Other symptoms of newborn jaundice can include:

  • yellowing of the palms of the hands or soles of the feet
  • dark, yellow urine – a newborn baby's urine should be colourless
  • pale­coloured poo – it should be yellow or orange

Jaundice are caused by buildup of a chemical called​ bilirubin in the child’s blood.  Bilirubin is formed from the body’s normal breakdown of red blood cells. This occurs  most often when the immature liver has not yet begun to efficiently do its job of  removing bilirubin from the bloodstream.

Newborn jaundice isn't usually a cause for concern and often resolves within two weeks  without treatment. Mild infant jaundice often disappears on its own within two or three  weeks. For moderate or severe jaundice, your baby may need to stay longer in the  newborn nursery or be readmitted to the hospital. For reasons that are unclear,  breastfeeding a baby increases the risk of them developing jaundice, which can often  persist for a month or longer. In most cases, the ​benefits of breastfeeding​ far outweigh  any risks associated with jaundice.

Your baby will be examined for signs of jaundice within 72 hours of being born, during  the newborn physical examination.

If your baby develops signs of jaundice after this time, speak to your midwife, health  visitor or GP as soon as possible for advice. While jaundice isn't usually a cause for  concern, it's important to determine whether your baby needs treatment.  If your baby is being monitored for jaundice at home, it's also important to contact your  midwife urgently if their symptoms quickly get worse or  they become very reluctant to  feed.

There are two main treatments that can be carried out in hospital to quickly reduce your  baby's bilirubin levels. These are: 

  •  phototherapy – a special type of light shines on the skin, which alters the  bilirubin into a form that can be more easily broken down by the liver
  • an exchange transfusion – a type of blood transfusion where small  amounts of your baby's blood are removed and replaced with blood from a  matching donor

According to experts, most babies respond well to treatment and can leave hospital  after a few days so no need to worry so much!

Please let us know your thoughts and experiences about newborn jaundice by  commenting below. We would be happy to hear from you!

Common Newborn Ailments by Kristen Finello:
      ​  Common Conditions in Newborn by
      ​  Newborn Jaundice by NHS Choices:­newborn/Pages/Introduction.aspx

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